lifestyle Week in Review Week in Review: Week 271 Please week, treat me well. Treat us all well. MONDAY It was almost nice to go to work May 24, 2021Read more
lifestyle Photography Week in Review Week in Review: Week 269 It was a week. MONDAY This Monday not as delightful as last week. Today was workingasfastasIcould but for May 10, 2021Read more
lifestyle Week in Review Week in Review: Week 268 If only we could choose a single moment in time to represent our entire lives. ~ ME If May 3, 2021Read more
lifestyle Photography Week in Review Week in Review: Week 267 Grateful for a smoother-feeling week. MONDAY What a day! WHAT A DAY! First thing this morning, my FAVORITE April 26, 2021Read more
lifestyle Week in Review Week in Review: Week 266 Goal for the Week: Go SOMEWHERE besides “straight home” every day. For once I ACTUALLY got all most April 19, 2021Read more
About Me lifestyle Photography Week in Review Week in Review: Week 265 My last week of work from home + some vacation days + second corona vaccine. Hopes are high April 5, 2021Read more
lifestyle Week in Review Week in Review: Week 264 Week 264 for Fashion Schlub. Week 3,132 for Bettye. MONDAY I’m working from home and just made a March 29, 2021Read more
Week in Review Week in Review: Week 263 Week in Review posts keep getting longer and longer. Since I’m doing less, I’m thinking more. Note: the pictures throughout March 22, 2021Read more
Week in Review Week in Review: Week 262 More thoughts from today and photos from the past. MONDAY Really? Monday? Again? Could you stop?? TUESDAY It March 15, 2021Read more
Week in Review Week in Review: Week 261 This week, in the absence of pictures of anything new (cuz there’s nothing) (new), I’m sharing some old March 9, 2021Read more