Week in Review: Week 288
Warning: This is a long one…and heavy on BTS content. It was just one of those weeks! MONDAY
Warning: This is a long one…and heavy on BTS content. It was just one of those weeks! MONDAY
Count-down to vacation week, woohoo. I’m actually taking a little time off from the blog to help give
It was a week. MONDAY This Monday not as delightful as last week. Today was workingasfastasIcould but for
The one where I was on vacation and didn’t do much cuz snow and Asian movie madness. MONDAY
How is it only the second week of January?? I feel like it’s been 2021 forever. And I
This week is a whole lotta things: Christmas, last day of work before vacation, getting to see Katie,
The weeks when I have NOTHING to share in Week in Review posts should be a wake-up call