How to Wear a Shirt Dress Two Ways: Simply Be Plus Size Dress Review
I was very pleased recently to be approached by Simply Be about doing a dress review. I was
Thinking Ahead to the Holidays
When this Connected Apparel plus size dress arrived from Gwynnie Bee, I was pleasantly surprised. It was looser fitting
Month in Review: August 2018
I have felt very disorganized ever since vacation, I can’t quite get my ducks together, so, yes, I
Week in Review: Week 131
Which is actually Week 132 cuz I noticed going back through some old posts that I’d named the
It Couldn’t Be Easier
Look familiar? I’ve worn (and shown!) this dress exactly 3,289 times (Give or take. Let’s just say it
Mini Try-On AND Plus Size Sizing Rant
I never know if all y’all who read the blog actually watch the videos when I share them,
It’s a Wrap
Wrap dresses are one of those items you see all the time on lists of Things You Must
Old & New Faves
For years I’ve been hearing about a lavender farm, oh…70 miles east of me on the north fork
What I Wore This Week
I finally managed to remember to take a photo of my outfit of the day every day this week!