The End’s Not Near…
It’s here. While I’m the first to rail against the end of summer, even I must admit that
Fun at Home
I have an aunt that used to (maybe she still does, but I haven’t seen her in a
I Got My Own Back
While you may be fortunate enough to have friends and family available to you when you need them,
My 10 Favorite Outfits of 2017
AKA It Was Too Cold Last Week to Get a New Outfit Photographed (if I’m being honest) So
Resolutions + Plus Size Try-on Haul Video
I’m still working on my resolutions for the new year. I’m not usually a hard-and-fast resolution sorta gal;
Using Base Layers to Build Your Wardrobe
This week’s video is all about using a couple simple base layers to build your wardrobe. I did
Learning Curves
They say old dogs can’t learn new tricks. When my now ex-husband and I were first dating his
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