From the Beginning
I thought it might be nice for some of the newer readers who perhaps have not gone all
I feel like I’ve named at least three other blog posts that over the years. Forgive my redundancy.
Month in Review: September 2018
September is OVER??? It just STARTED! It’s already FUMMER!!! Okay, let’s get right into it, then, or it’s gonna be
Week in Review: Week 123
Ooh, Week 123, I like that! Well, as First-Weeks-Back-to-Work-After-Vacation go, this wasn’t a bad one. First day back
Week in Review: Week 105
All the feels from my glorious trip to California are being buried underneath time, mundane tasks and the
Week in Review: Week 104
I’m a little behind since my trip. Not jet-lagged, just BEHIND. And, at the risk of being morose,
Fun at Home
I have an aunt that used to (maybe she still does, but I haven’t seen her in a
I Got My Own Back
While you may be fortunate enough to have friends and family available to you when you need them,