Week in Review: Week 158
No painful anniversaries this week, yay! Not really much of anything this week. It always takes me a week or
Week in Review: Week 157
The week started off with the biggest snowfall of the year so far, which was still not enough
Week in Review: Week 131
Which is actually Week 132 cuz I noticed going back through some old posts that I’d named the
Week in Review: Week 109
Another week. Those suckers are really piling up, huh?? Cat-sitting. The podiatrist did magic and I had practically
Week in Review: Week 81
It was a quiet week for me…in a good way. Tuesday was my birthday and my lovely office-mates
Week in Review: Week 80
This was a week of rest – rest from packing and moving, resting from chemo. I feel so
Weeks in Review: 54-58
Yeah, one of these days I’ll get back on track with regular weekly Week in Reviews. This year
My Week in Review: Weeks 40-43
Ooh, I’ve been remiss! In my defense: Holiday and Sick. So I’m doing a big Week(s) in Review
All Bad News’ed Out
I’ve reached my personal limit on bad news for the time being. DO YOU HEAR THAT, UNIVERSE?? Between